Punch Care

Pharmaceutical Device



India lack proper healthcare, both in quantity and quality. Some of the main problems faced by the Indian healthcare system are accessibility and affordability of quality healthcare services and medicines to a large chunk of our population. Also, lack of information and transparency are other major problems. According to WHO, our per capita spending on health care is in the bottom quartile amongst all countries, we are in competition with the likes of Nigeria, Rwanda and Uganda (never a good list to be in). This has resulted in an appalling lack in basic government healthcare infrastructure (the only hope for millions). More than 15k people die of negligence every-year, and more than 10 times that number die because of lack of access to even those negligent facilities!

Problem statement: Despite this situation, the large population of the country ruin large amounts of medicines in their normal daily practice because their delusion and misconception about the end/expiry dates of their medication. In such a country the waste of this kind of medicine is not only a waste of resources and facilities but it is an equivalent serious crime.

Self Project

Academic Project

16 Weeks

Project Duration

Myself Only

Team Size


Punch Care: A small, handy and low-cost solution for the users to inform them about the medicines expiry date in their general life practices, its also helps in reducing medicine wastage.


UX Design: Research, Concept Design & Interaction Design
Problem understanding, Initial Researcher, Mood Board, Concept Design, Interaction Design, Illustrations, Graphics, 3D Modeling, Concept Video, Design Presentation


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Concept Video

Working Prototype

Design Process