Google Pay App

Mobile App Usability Evaluation



Google Pay is a UPI based payment app developed by Google to power in-app and merchant payments on mobile devices. One of the primary aims of the app is to provide a simple and elegant user experience. Lately, It has become one of the most used payments app and has a great adoption rate.

The exercise is to:

1. Do a heuristic evaluation of the Google Pay app
- Pick any platform of your choice (Android or iOS).
- Based on different use-cases that the app solves for, create user journeys and evaluate how well the app solves them.
- List down the areas where you think the design has issues or can be made better. Mention any use-cases (or edge-cases) that you think are not well handled in the existing flow.
- Add proper reasoning behind every point.

2. Redesign the above screens
- Based on the issues that you find out above, redesign the respective screens or flows. If you have too many of them, prioritise and fix the high priority ones.
- Keep in mind the native platform patterns, restrictions and guidelines.
- Also, consider how your designs may affect app architecture.


Design Task

2 Days

Task Duration

Myself Only

Team Size


I am a T-shaped professional with the ability to collaborate and innovate across disciplines and have a deep knowledge of interaction design.

UX Contributions

Problem Understanding, Secondary Research, Competitor Analysis, Data Analysis, Research Insights, Data Visualization, Persona, Journey Mapping

UI Contributions

Concept UI Sketches, Wireframing, Visual Design, Prototyping


The design was presented to the Razorpay team


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